Overall Reflection
Initially, I didn't think much about Design Communication, I brushed it off as if it was an extra art class we needed to take. However, throughout my semester, I realized it played a crucial role in improving my design skills. The assignments and activities, which I initially considered "a waste of time", turned out to be essential in enhancing the depth and quality of my architectural work.
This module probably had one of the most engaging lectures and tutorials, we always had something to do in every class, whether it was a quick class activity of shading, or practice on drawing axonometric projections, you never have "nothing" to do in class. Every teacher was great, but my tutor, Mrs. Lok Mei was exceptionally understanding and helpful. Unfortunately, throughout this module I fell sick and had to quarantine; during this period she helped me out a lot as I was struggling to progress with any assignments. She reassured me that my health was the priority and the assignment/s would follow.
The learning experience was smooth, the activities developed in difficulties and so did the assignments. We first practiced our basics with freehand drawings of patterns, and then we continued to more architectural basics, such as lettering and scales. Although the Farnsworth assignment felt the most useless and tedious, it taught me the most important skills an architect would need, scale and accuracy. Regarding the "experience", I was already used to the usual format, MyTimes for assignment briefs, Facebook for announcements, and Telegram for communications.
Overall, this module has definitely enhanced my freehand drawings, scale perspectives and even my rendering techniques. I really enjoyed this module, despite all the drawings and erasing and drawing again, it's kind of fun and it teaches you helpful skills for the future as an architect.