Overall Reflection
Studying architectural history has been a captivating journey that broadened my understanding of the built environment. Delving into the evolution of architectural styles, from ancient times to the modern era, provided insights into aesthetic aspects and revealed the intricate interplay between historical, cultural, and technological factors shaping architectural design.
This module truly opened my eyes to the beauty of architectural evolution, from fancy designs in medieval times to significant changes during the Industrial Revolution and the sleek, minimal styles we see today. Understanding the sequence of historical periods and their architectural representations deepened my appreciation for the continuum of architectural innovation.
To be completely honest, without our lecturers' efforts, Architectural History might have been one of the most boring modules to study; most students might even disregard it. However, our lecturers showed tremendous effort in making the subject interesting, with activities like Kahoot with prizes and even the fear of getting called out in front of the whole lecture to summarize what we've learnt. Our tutors were also really understanding and helpful, we could approach them with anything, even non-assignment-related questions, and they would communicate with us in the best they could. Not to mention any names, but my favourite lecturer has to be Mr Azim Sulaiman, he's the funniest of them all. (no offence to the other lecturers you guys are great too)
Initially, the learning experience was confusing as I wasn't used to the different platforms provided. Eventually, I understood why these platforms were chosen. Facebook served as a good announcement platform, catching my attention with important information. Telegram allowed us to contact lecturers, and MyTimes centralized all our materials, recordings, notes, and assignment briefs.
The assignments and projects were fun and educational, especially the first project that taught us to incorporate augmented reality into designs and presentations, a skill I've always wanted to learn. Overall, this module has equipped me with a comprehensive perspective on the rich tapestry of architectural history, enhancing my design approach and fostering a greater appreciation for the built heritage around us.